Volker Gueldenpfennig SAP Service Marketplace Kernel Patches Support Packages SAPGui Patches SAP ITS Patches Education Notes // Side-Effects SAP Kernel Programs SAP Online Help PDFs Documentation Unicode Imprint www.sbk-data.de |
Key |
Scancode (hex) |
<^> |
0029 |
<1> |
0002 |
<2> |
0003 |
<3> |
0004 |
<4> |
0005 |
<5> |
0006 |
<6> |
0007 |
<7> |
0008 |
<8> |
0009 |
<9> |
000A |
<0> |
000B |
<ß> |
000C |
<´> |
000D |
<Q> |
0010 |
<W> |
0011 |
<E> |
0012 |
<R> |
0013 |
<T> |
0014 |
<Z> |
0015 |
<U> |
0016 |
<I> |
0017 |
<O> |
0018 |
<P> |
0019 |
<Ü> |
001A |
<+> |
001B |
<< > |
002B |
<A> |
001E |
<S> |
001F |
<D> |
0020 |
<F> |
0021 |
<G> |
0022 |
<H> |
0023 |
<J> |
0024 |
<K> |
0025 |
<L> |
0026 |
<Ö> |
0027 |
<Ä> |
0028 |
<Y> |
002C |
<X> |
002D |
<C> |
002E |
<V> |
002F |
<B> |
0030 |
<N> |
0031 |
<M> |
0032 |
<,> |
0033 |
<.> |
0034 |
<-> |
0035 |
<Enter> |
001C |
<Shift (Left)> |
002A |
<Shift (Right)> |
0036 |
<Strg (Left)> |
001D |
<Strg (Right)> |
E01D |
<Alt (Left)> |
0038 |
<Alt (Rright)> |
E038 |
<Space> |
0039 |
<Num Lock> |
0045 |
<Backspace> |
000E |
<Tabulator> |
000F |
<Scroll Lock> |
0046 |
<CapsLock> |
003A |
<Keypad 7> |
0047 |
<Keypad 4> |
004B |
<Keypad 1> |
004F |
<Keypad 8> |
0048 |
<Keypad 5> |
004C |
<Keypad 2> |
0050 |
<Keypad 0> |
0052 |
<Keypad *> |
0037 |
<Keypad 9> |
0049 |
<Keypad 6> |
004D |
<Keypad 3> |
0051 |
<Keypad .> |
0053 |
<Keypad -> |
004A |
<Keypad +> |
004E |
<Keypad Enter> |
E01C |
<Esc> |
0001 |
<F1> |
003B |
<F2> |
003C |
<F3> |
003D |
<F4> |
003E |
<F5> |
003F |
<F6> |
0040 |
<F7> |
0041 |
<F8> |
0042 |
<F9> |
0043 |
<F10> |
0044 |
<F11> |
0057 |
<F12> |
0058 |
<Windows (Left)> |
E05B |
<Windows (Right)> |
E05C |
<Windows Context> |
E05D |
For redefining the keys via there scancodes, you have to add the binary key "Scancode Map" in the registry at:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout
This value contains a datastring (in binary), that informs the OS about every
new scancode where to put it to what other scancode.
You should know that the scancodes hae to be entered in the
"Little Endian" format. This means, that for the CapsLock key 003A,
you have to enter 3A 00 instead.
An example you can see as follows:
00 00 00 00 Headerinformation
00 00 00 00 Flags
02 00 00 00 number of definitions (including the Null-Terminator - in this example 2)
2A 00 3A 00 Left Shift-Key shall be availabe at the CapsLock as well
00 00 00 00 Null-Terminator
It is interesting to keep in mind, that you have to
count the null-terminators with in the number of fields!
back | 02/17/2025, 21:39:12 |