Eduction, class and course links at SAP
You are looking for an overview in general of SAPs classes ?
Then you should really have a look at: (This even works without any S-User)
Education @ SAP
(Have a special look to the "class/course search" link in the right launch-pad of the SAP web-site! Then you can enter either the course number or a part of the description and will find fast what you are looking for.)
If you just want to search for a special course, you know already, the following site at SAP is really perfect:
Course Search @ SAP
(Just enter the course number or a term in the search area and have fun with a lot of useful hits ;-)) )
You just want to teach yourself with a printed version of the online documentation ? Have a look at the great selection of PDFs, that cover the complete SAP Online Documentation:
Complete SAP Online Documentation as printable PDFs
02/17/2025, 22:41:06