
Volker Gueldenpfennig

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DIPGNTAB - The Nametab Tool of SAP - Activation and Adjustment of Nametabs with the ABAP Dictionary

Activation and adjustment of the nametabs with the ABAP Dictionary

If you need to write nametabs based on the DDIC (Data Dictionary) DIPGNTAB is used - especially during installation.

DIPGNTAB usage during SAP Installation:
Syntax in general:
dipgntab -fprot dipgntabSID.log -rwr40 -srctt DDNTT -srctf DDNTF -dsttt DDNTT -dsttf DDNTF -ttonly TT

Syntax on iSeries ( AS/400 ):
DIPGNTAB PARMLIST('-fprot dipgntabSID.log -rwr40 -srctt DDNTT -srctf DDNTF -dsttt DDNTT -dsttf DDNTF -ttonly TT')

dipgntab -h                   this help screen
         <name=[xxx]>         system name
         -generate            generate nametabs from DD-sources
         -newab               force new abtimestamp
         -comp                compare nametabs only
         -print               print only (no changes made)
         -loadtouch           touch dep. report loads in any case
         -drop                drop nametabs via shadownametab
         -activate            activate from shadow nametab
         -active              activate A-version
         -comm [commfile]     activate by command file
         -lang [language]     read with this language
         -prot [protname]     write to protocol <protname>
         -fprot filename      write to protocol file
         -tabl [table name]   operate on this table
         -sqltrace            with SQL-trace
         -trace               write trace information
           [level]            trace level (0-4)
           [file]             output file
           [file]             output file

         -cp                  copy nametabs - for internal use only
                              CAUTION: cp CAN DESTOY YOUR SYSTEM!!!
         -acomp               compare nametabs between tables
           [-srctt]           header source
           [-srctf]           field source
           -dsttt             header destination
           -dsttf             field destination
           [-list <tabname>]  table containing tablenames
           [-namefld <field>] field containing the tablenames
           [-rel <release>]   release (for "-list PUTTB" only)
           [-subst <extend>]  rep. switch. extension for the table names

         -mv40                40-nametab move - for internal use only
                              CAUTION: mv40 CAN DESTOY YOUR SYSTEM!!!
           [-srctt]           header source
           [-srctf]           field source
           -dsttt             header destination
           -dsttf             field destination
           [-list <tabname>]  table of tablenames that shall not be copied
           [-namefld <field>] field containing the tablenames

         -rwr40               40-nametab read/write - for internal use only
                              CAUTION: rwr40 CAN DESTOY YOUR SYSTEM!!!
           [-srctt]           header source
           [-srctf]           field source
           -dsttt             header destination
           -dsttf             field destination
          [-ttonly            nametab entries
             <type><form> ]   wity tabtype <type> and tabform <form> only

         -del40               40-nametab deletion - for internal use only
                              CAUTION: del40 CAN DESTOY YOUR SYSTEM!!!
           [-srctt]           header source
           -dsttt             header destination
           -dsttf             field destination
           [-list <tabname>]  table of tablenames that shall not be copied
           [-namefld <field>] field containing the tablenames

         -cpint               copy active to inactive - for internal use only
                              CAUTION: cpint CAN DESTOY YOUR SYSTEM!!!
           [-srctt]           header source
           [-srctf]           field source
           -dsttt             header destination
           -dsttf             field destination

         -delete              delete active nametab and inactive nametab
                              of non DB objects with modeflag 'D'

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